
Welcome to Owen Daily's Portfolio

A small selection of graphics including posters, books, promotional and instructional design.

Poster Design

Selected posters for Nomas* Projects. In 2013, I co-founded this experimental contemporary art gallery in Dundee City Centre as an opportunity to combine a love of art, community building, visual identity and in-house print and production. For more information about Nomas* watch our Pecha Kucha talk. Posters are A3 full colour short run digital, for distribution around Dundee venues.

2nomas_a3killboxposter500pxrgb72.jpg 2poiesis-tumult.png 3nomasprojects_suebeveridge-cutstitch.jpg 33nomasprojects-kaorihomma.jpg A3_nomasposter_andyslater.jpg flannery500px.jpg lada-wilson-intertextuality500px_72_rgb.jpg lucas-battich-nomasprojects500px.jpg mannylingatnomasprojects500rgb72.jpg nedyalka-panova-dreamsofmatter-500px.jpg nomasprojects-andyrobertson.png nomasprojects-juanbolivar500rgb72.jpg nomasprojects-miriam-mallalieu-engage500rgb72.jpg nomasprojects-nedyalka-panova.png nomasprojects-ruthnaomifloyd.jpg nomasprojects-sekaimachache500pxrgb72.jpg nomasprojects_joannahelfer-500rgb72.jpg nomas_kateclayton-500px-rgb72.jpg nomas_kim-anderson500px_rgb_72_2.jpg nomas_projects-ale-groen-500px-o.jpg nomas_projects-claire-yspol-500px-001.jpg nomas_projects-val-norris-500px2.jpg pastry.jpg pinkseablooms.png

Book Jacket Design

A small selection of book jacket designs... for CFP (1998-2001) Books are A or B format, Demy. Mass Market paperbacks, hardback and perfect bound Academic imprints.

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Promotional Designs

Samples of Dundee College promotional materials (Marketing Department 2001-2011).

Although I have used mockups here, all examples were published, real-world designs.

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Layout Design - Prospectuses and Books

I have produced long-form documents in InDesign, QuarkXpress and LaTeX. They present interesting challenges from a design perspective, where production speed and accuracy are essential. To meet these challenges I developed a system of collating prospectus content using MS Access, exporting to XML and automating layout the pages using tagged XML in ID. This brought tremendous benefits in production time, error reduction and integrated online and print production.

PDF samples below.

PDF Samples

Instructional Design

Small selection of instructional design materials, including simple aminated sequences created in After Effects, Whiteboard Explainer Videos (Premiere Pro, Audition) and some written scripts.

Partial Sequence from an instructional design project for ID company. Layout was drafted in InDesign and after approval exported to PDF. Assets were saved out of the PDF in Illustrator, ready for animating in AfterEffects.

One of a series of whiteboard explainer videos for Dundee and Angus College's Learning and Digital Resources Team. This was a quick turnaround project animated using EasySketch Pro and edited in Adobe Audition and PremierePro.

Instructional Design Scripts

Sample hard and soft skills Instructional Design storyboard scripts for an anonymised client, based in Glasgow.

Art Works and Personal Projects

Video work

"Restoration" is a short film reflecting on nature and healing. Edited using Final Cut.

Artist's Proof: Gravity - A reflection of the creative process itself, and making peace with uncertainty. Part of my Master's in Fine Art degree show entitled "The Resolution of Opposing Forces".

City As Archive.

City as Archive was an 18 poster billboard artwork as part of the Dundee Common's Festival (2015) and the inaugural work for Sharing Not Hoarding. This artwork used it's location in Dundee's former docks and combined maritime references with the experiences of Dundee's marginalised young people I was teaching at the time.

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Currently a work in progress, more to follow including web-development, non-profit work, illustrations and photography (as of 12 Nov 2021).